Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weekend Activities!

This weekend was kinda busy, kinda not. Friday night we watched Jedd's friend Sean perform his rapping, etc at this little place in Rose Park, yes, Rose Park.  After went out to dinner for one of Jedds friends birthdays at The Bayou, which was fun, but packed.  I had never been there before, but it was actually pretty cool.  We got the BBQ Chicken Pizza, I wouldn't recommend it, it wasn't very good.  After dinner we went home and fell asleep on the couch, which is a very common occurrence these days.

Saturday morning Jedd had to work, but I got to sleep in with the puppies!  Once I woke up and got out of bed I usually get pretty bored so I end up finding pretty random things to do.  I decided to go get a hair cut and get some bangs.  A little too impulsive, I should have thought it through.  I went in with a picture of prettiest woman in the world, Carrie Underwood.  Expecting to walk out looking like her, which never happens.

Here is what I wanted.

Here is what I got.

They don't look anything like hers and I don't like them. Tear.  But oh well, currently my bangs will look like this for the next little while.  (The twist.)

Saturday right after my bang adventure, I went shopping with the girls, Emily and Natalie.  I bought a little more than I should have, but that's what friends are for.  It was great to shop with them, we always have a great time reminiscing.
Saturday evening, Jedd and I went with some friends to Maggie McGee's Sports Bar to watch the UFC fights, which Jedd loves.  Sunday was spent relaxing with the doggies in the morning and watching some of the "Walking Dead" series.  We have recently finished the only season available on Netflix, which was depressing being that we both really liked it. After being lazy we went to the gym for our typical Sunday workout.  Shortly after returning from our workout we left for Janalyns (Jedd's mother) for dinner with the family!  After dinner we went and saw "Real Steal."  Which was entertaining, but I would have preferred to see "Drive" since Ryan Gosling is pretty dreamy.  Hugh Jackman is pretty dreamy too though.

That was pretty much the weekend!  Thanks for visiting!

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